The Future That Never Was
In Roco Vargas´ Retrofuture world, particularly in the terrestrial city of Montebahía, we will witness the adventures of the private detective Archie Cuper as we are invited to learn about one of his most celebrated cases.
Cuper is contracted by a very rich woman to find a disloyal employee. Our detective, however, soon realizes that he has fallen into a fatal game of mirrors wherein, through guile and deceit, he is dragged into the very center of a power struggle inside the ruthless world of advertising dominated by the omnipotent MercAgencias [Meragencies?]. We will also learn the grim secret which Cuper is keeping with respect to the drug known as “kropp”, and we will meet up with an old acquaintance: Commissioner SiNo, and discover the astonishing methods by which MercAgencias imposes, over the entire world, a lifestyle based on perpetual consumption.
- EL FUTURO QUE NO FUE – marzo 2021